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Find articles about dogs, cats, and other pets. From tips on how to take care of your pet to answers to questions we've all been wondering, this is the purr-fect place for pet-lovers of all ages!
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30 Cyber Monday Deals Perfect for Animal Lovers
This article contains affiliate links to products selected by our editors. Pups and Pets may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. As an
30 Gifts to Buy this Black Friday that are Perfect for Animal Lovers!
This article contains affiliate links to products selected by our editors. Pups and Pets may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. As an
27 Gifts Every Pet Owner Needs
This article contains affiliate links to products selected by our editors. Pups and pets may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. As an
Is My Dog Allowed to Eat This?
Believe it or not, humans and dogs are not able to eat the same foods. Dogs' metabolisms vary from a human’s and break down food differently. Therefore, some foods that are toxic to dogs are perfectly safe for human consumption. And on the flip side, some
How Heavy Should My Cat Be?
Believe it or not, overweight cats are a common sight. Now more than ever, overweight cats outnumber the amount of healthy weighing cats. Many reasons contribute to this because most people do not know how much a cat should weigh and how much to feed th
Is Chocolate Harmful to Dogs?
Many of us humans love chocolate, it’s most people’s favorite treat! However, chocolate can be very dangerous for our furry friends, especially dogs. Chocolate contains high levels of theobromine, which is easy for us humans to digest but very difficult f
Too Busy for Dog Training?
When you get a new puppy, sometimes it is really overwhelming to dedicate time to basic obedience training and listening to commands while also potty training and everything in between. But having a well-trained pup should also be a priority because, with
The Importance of Dog Grooming
Grooming is an important part of owning a dog that is often overlooked. From brushing to bathing, there are numerous benefits to grooming your dog.
Taking Your Cat To The Vet
Compared to dogs, cats are pretty good at taking care of themselves and most people assume that they don’t need to be taken to the vet for regular checkups like dogs.
Is Your Cat Constantly Meowing?
It is common knowledge, at least among cat owners, that cats meow to tell us something. However, when there are changes to the sound of meowing, if its tune is altered or becomes non-stop, you may wonder when to be concerned if something is wrong with you
Eye Facts About Your Cat
These 5 facts about how fascinating your cat's eyes are will blow your mind. Yes, it is well known that your cats have incredible senses but sight is no different. So who's sense of sight is better: humans or cats? Let’s find out!
Eating From a Bowl vs the Floor
Sometimes dogs have changes in behavior that make us scratch our heads. It can be very concerning when this change is related to their eating habits. When dogs change their eating habits, we often either rush them to the vet or try other techniques to get